Chatbot Designing Information Service for New Student Registration Based on AIML and Machine Learning

  • Yansyah Wijaya STMIK Amik Riau
  • Rahmaddeni
  • Fransiskus Zoromi
Keywords: chatbot, aiml, confusion matrix, dssm, machine learning


One of the efforts made by universities to serve prospective students is by providing consulting services and information that is usually carried out directly at the booth provided, through phone service or live chat support available on the college website. Increased visitors will result in waiting times due to limited availability of officers, which results in decreased satisfaction of prospective new students, moreover this service is only available during campus operating hours. One alternative solution to overcome this problem is to use Chatbot, able to answer questions raised by prospective new students which can be categorized as Frequently Asked Questions abbreviated as FAQ. Chatbot technology can be developed with a variety of AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques. One of them is the AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language) technique. One of the main drawbacks of AIML is that there is no reasoning ability so a learning system that is focused on supervised learning is needed. In the chatbot that will be built the learning process uses a selective neural conversational model or commonly called the Deep Semantic Similarity Model (DSSM) developed by Microsoft. Meanwhile, the measurement of chatbot performance will be done using Confusion Matrix which is a method of evaluating the performance of the algorithm from Machine Learning (ML). The results of the study stated that the chatbot system that was built was able to answer questions posed by prospective students properly and correctly while the questions were available in the chatbot knowledge base.


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